Walnut Creek, California


Board members reviewed Club current activities and future plans relative to Club functions, services, for residents and for Club members.  In addition to computer classes and seminars, the Club provides copies for 10 cents, teaching, free help and advice, email services, free use of three of the Club’s computers, and other support services.
Rossmoor’s Peacock Hall was filled to overflowing on March 18 when Jan Barnes demonstrated Facebook, the very popular new software program.  Even more residents came when Jan Barnes had a second open meeting on Facebook on December 5.
The very popular, and essential, free house calls for members with computer problems, continued though there were times when qualified helpers were not available to provide the needed help.
To encourage Club members, and other Rossmoor residents, to use the growing broadband services the Club provided a free wi-fi service for residents in the Redwood Room. This service became very popular, to where Rossmoor later provided it throughout Rossmoor.
Acalanes Adult School included Club classes in the new school catalog that is mailed to residents throughout the area.  (The Computer Club and the school district work as partners to promote computer use by residents in this area.)
The Computer Club Board voted to not provide space and support for Mac users as they have a separate Mac club and services.
In recognition of the increasing numbers of “Boomers” the Club decided to provide services for ädults”, rather than for “seniors” and to extend services to outside residents – potential Rossmoor residents. And the Club voted to use the larger 12 point type to make it easier for our adult residents to read the Club’s Kilobytes publication.
Club dues were kept at $15 a year, the amount set when the Club first started.
Cartridge World, which offers lower cost ink cartridges and computer repair services, opened a shop near Trader Joe’s and invited Club members to utilize their services.
Muriel Wyro reported on the upgrading of the Club database to Access, a more capable, and more complex, data base, to handle the growing membership.
Club classes included an introduction to computers, a free “Mouse Class”, Beginners 1 and 2, Internet & Email, Word 1 and 2, Excel 1 and 2, Photo Elements 1 and 2, Photoshop Elements 3, and a wide variety of one-time seminars. Consideration was also given to starting “refresher courses” as reminders.
A survey of members was done to determine what was wanted in the way of classes or other computer assistance. 
A Center Handbook was prepared by Jan Hjorth to help the many Club volunteers in the Gateway Center.
Bill Hammond’s Tuesday morning sessions answering computer questions and solving computer problems have become very popular and are open to both members and non-members.
Elected as Club officers for 2013 were: President Leonard Krauss; VicePresident Monte Hall; Treasurer Jim Bradley; and Secretary Muriel Wyro.